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Displaying posts in Dogs

Toxic Dog Food List: What to Avoid for Your Pup's Health

Toxic Dog Food List: What to Avoid for Your Pup's Health

Most dog owners love giving their canine companions scraps from the table, but it's important to know exactly which human foods can be poisonous to dogs and why it is important to keep them out of reach when you're away. In this post, our Memphis vets share a comprehensive list of foods that are toxic to dogs.

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Dogs Eating Grass: Why Do They Do It And Is It Safe?

Dogs Eating Grass: Why Do They Do It And Is It Safe?

Have you noticed your dog eating grass? This is fairly common behavior. In this post, our Memphis vets discuss why your dog might be eating grass and if it is safe for them to do so.

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How Can I Tell if My Dog Has Been Poisoned?

How Can I Tell if My Dog Has Been Poisoned?

There is a long list of edible and inedible items that are toxic to dogs when they aren't necessarily harmful to humans. If you notice your dog acting differently and you're unsure if they've ingested something poisonous, our Memphis vets are here to share symptoms of poisoning in dogs and what you should do.

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Pet First Aid: How to Give Pets First Aid

Pet First Aid: How to Give Pets First Aid

Most pets are balls of energy and may not be the best at avoiding accidents. Today, our Memphis veterinarians offer some tips on first aid for pets, and what to do if your pet ever finds themselves in trouble. 

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Diarrhea in Dogs: Is bloody diarrhea an emergency?

Diarrhea in Dogs: Is bloody diarrhea an emergency?

If your pup is suffering from diarrhea, they are likely experiencing discomfort - and you're probably feeling alarmed. Here, our Memphis vets list some common causes of diarrhea in dogs, what to do if your dog's stool is bloody, and when it's time to call an emergency vet. 

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Signs of Bladder Infection in Dogs & How to Treat One

Signs of Bladder Infection in Dogs & How to Treat One

Our Memphis vets often see dogs suffering from painful bladder infections and other urinary tract issues. Today we share signs of bladder infections in dogs that pet parents should watch for and how these uncomfortable conditions are treated.

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Ear Infection in Dogs

Ear Infection in Dogs

Ear infections are a common reason for dogs to visit our Memphis emergency animal hospital. Fortunately, most ear infections in dogs are easy to treat if caught early. Here are some of the signs of dog ear infections, and what to do if your dog's ears aren't as healthy as they should be.

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Help, I think my dog is overweight! How can I tell?

Help, I think my dog is overweight! How can I tell?

Obesity in dogs is on the rise and poses a serious health risk to our canine companions. If your pooch seems extra cuddly they may be carrying a little too much weight. Today our Memphis vets explain how you can tell if your dog might be overweight, and what you should do.

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Babesiosis Treatment in Dogs

Babesiosis Treatment in Dogs

Babesiosis or Babesia infection is a tick borne disease and seen in dogs across the US. Today our Memphis vets explain the symptoms and treatments for Babesiosis and how you can help to protect your dog against tick borne diseases including Babesiosis.

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Anaplasmosis Treatment in Dogs

Anaplasmosis Treatment in Dogs

Anaplasmosis is a tick borne disease that threatens the health of people, pets and other animals across many parts of the US. Here our Memphis vets explain the symptoms of Anaplasmosis in dogs and how it can be treated.

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Animal Emergency Center in Memphis

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