Our Memphis vets often see dogs suffering from painful bladder infections and other urinary tract issues. Today we share signs of bladder infections in dogs that pet parents should watch for and how these uncomfortable conditions are treated.
Causes of Bladder Infections in Dogs
Any dog regardless of breed can suffer from bladder infections, but they do tend to occur most commonly in female dogs. Bladder infections, also called urinary tract infections or UTIs, are uncomfortable, often painful, conditions that can be caused by crystals, bacteria, diseases such as diabetes, and even some medications.
Signs of Bladder Infection in Dogs
The three most common symptoms of bladder infection in dogs include pain or difficulties urinating, blood in urine or in some cases you may notice that your pup is only urinating very small amounts but frequently. Other indications that your pup might be suffering from a bladder infection or UTI include:
- Straining to urinate
- Increased frequency of urination
- Blood in the urine
- Cloudy or strong-smelling urine
- Reduced quantity of urine
- Accidents inside your home
- Whimpering while urinating
- Licking the genital area
- Fever
- Increased thirst
- Lack of energy
If your dog is showing any of the symptoms above it's time to have your pooch seen by a vet. Bladder infections and urinary tract infections are very uncomfortable and often painful for dogs. That said, when caught and treated early these infections can often be cleared up quickly and easily - so the sooner you can get your pup to the vet the better.
How to Treat Bladder Infection in Dogs
Antibiotics are the number one treatment for bladder infections in dogs, although in some cases your vet may also recommend anti-inflammatory medications or pain killers depending on the severity and underlying cause of your pup's infection.
Although in some cases bladder infections in people will clear up without the need for medical care, this is unlikely to be true for your pup. It is also the case that, since our canine companions are unable to tell us how they are feeling it is best to have any symptoms of illness checked out by your vet. Left untreated your pup's bladder infection could become much more severe.
Another important point to note is that your dog's symptoms could be caused by another, more serious, underlying condition that requires veterinary care. When it comes to your pet's health it is always best to err on the side of caution and see your vet.
Note: The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding pets. For an accurate diagnosis of your pet's condition, please make an appointment with your vet.